David Chapter 4: A Man Marvelously Helped by God

Fredrick Osheku
3 min readJan 16, 2021


Many years ago, a man decided to spend some time remembering some things he had been told. He wrote down some of those words for posterity. Among his writings, one has stood out for me. I have laid help upon one that is mighty.

This man was a great man. He was rich, powerful, influential, and had the loyalty of good men. But he didn’t begin like that though. He began as a normal obscure young guy in a small village somewhere. He was so obscure that as a teenager, even his father used to forget about him. One time a visitor came to visit the family and his dad forgot about him when introducing the family.

Fast forward thirty years later, this man had become the richest, strongest, and most influential in the world. I wondered what caused that drastic change until I saw the writings he had put down. In studying these writings, I found what caused that change.

In simple terms, that change was triggered by one word, HELP. When this man was a teenager, the first son of the president of his country decided to become his best friend. That was the first level of help that saved his life more than once and gave him a certain level of influence.

When the president decided to hunt this young man down, something peculiar happened. As this young man ran for his life from the most powerful man in his country, people began to look for him to join him. They offered him their loyalty and strength even though he was the number one fugitive in the country.

The help they offered him helped him outlast the President, and somehow, he became the new president. He didn’t attack or harm the old president, but people just turned toward him when the president died.

When he became the president, his men were intensely loyal to him. One day, when he was at a war front, he just thought aloud that he would like water from a certain well. The only problem was the well was behind enemy lines. Three of his men fought through the enemy blockade just to get a jar of water for him. Now that’s some next-level loyalty.

These different manifestations of help came from the words spoken to him. I have laid help upon one that is mighty. The next words he wrote down showed how this help came about every time. With my holy oil, I have anointed him.

This man was David, a great man in the ancient days. Because of the anointing of God on his life, and the words God had spoken to him, help always found him when he was in need. As a teenager and as a mighty king, he ALWAYS had help when he needed it.

The anointing David received has been refined, and is a thousand times more potent today than it was then. That anointing is found in the blood of Jesus. When Jesus died for our sins and rose again, he became our source of eternal help, ever ready to dispense it whenever we need it.

We all need help, and there is an eternal source of it just waiting for you to come over. His name is Jesus, and he really wants to help you. All you have to do is accept him. To accept him, just believe in the fact that he came to earth, died for you, and is risen and waiting for you to accept him.

So what are you still waiting for? Come on over, help is waiting for you…



Fredrick Osheku
Fredrick Osheku

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